now, after the fact

WC: 402

Kesho Maisha

He watched his leader silently, eying the male as he spoke. Gabriel seemed tense, but remained calm despite the unintentionally challenging words that Kesho had uttered. Truly, he did not want to anger the male, but simply explain to him why he acted in the manner he did. Never would he choose to be on this canine's bad side. From his voice, though, it seemed the bronze coyote wasn't far from it. He sighed an apology as he listened, for he knew what Gabriel said was the truth. There was no arguing it, and no reason to attempt to retain his prejudice. Yet, like anything that anyone once held dear, it would be hard to let go. Kesho's respect and understanding of the change in Inferni had increased tenfold thanks to the Aquila, but he would need to exercise great self control to extinguish his long-held beliefs.

"Nothing will stop me from being loyal to this clan, Gabriel. I don't regard you as a wolf. You're right. If you, or any of the others identified as such, they obviously wouldn't be here. It's just...hard to accept. That was all I knew before...", he let out a small sigh of vocalized frustration. This struggle between old and new teachings and beliefs would be a work in progress for him, but he would surely try. He wanted to do all he could for this clan; he didn't want to appear disloyal or seem as if he were attempting some sort of clan-wide coup. He wasn't. He believed Gabriel held the qualities of a true leader, and that he chose to lead this clan proved where his loyalties lie. "I hope you'll accept my apology; I don't know all that this clan has been through since I left, and if you're Aquila I'm sure you deserve the title. I trust you'll lead this clan with as much skill, and perhaps even more power as any coyote could." He paused, unsure of how much of himself he should reveal to the Aquila. "The wolves killed someone that I loved, too." He thought of Zarah, of his helplessness when she died. Had he known, he would have defended her to the death. A shadow of sadness passed over the older male's face, and he became silent, thrust into thoughts of the past and mistakes both old and new. Again he felt, perhaps he didn't deserve this place.

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