No Hands

His ears flicked as they picked up the sounds of an approaching canine. Curiously, Amos turned his head, and found an coyote old like he was heading towards him. Immediately, the graying coyote smiled friendlily. The other coyote's smell lended itself to be but of the same pack as Amos, creating in the traditionalist old Arphralos' mind, an instant bond. His pack members were, as young'ums say, his posse.

Pleasant laughter spilled out of the Secui. "Ain't nuthin' comphared tah o' takin' down yarself a nace elk." Replied the southern beast, cheerfully. Those were true words, though not a truth that Amos had often lived through. Having grown up below the equator, he had never been exposed to elks. Sure, he'd heard of them through stories and seen them in the pages of faded books, but it hadn't been until a few months ago that the old coyote had had the chance to take one down.

It had been utterly enthralling to dig into a creature that seemed so similar to the deer he was so used to, yet at the same time was so different. The tastes had been miles apart, that was for sure. Personally, Amos preferred deer, but elk had been a refreshing change.

Always the gentleman, the Secui lowered his head in a quick bow of respect while he introduced himself, "Ah'm Amos."

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