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Internship: check!

Even as winter crept up on him and he could feel her chill to the bone, and as his oldest daughter had returned to the embrace of their family in the Great Tribe, leaving him alone, he never failed to see to that there were certain chores that were completed. The Great Fire roared almost stronger as the air grew colder, and he could hear it before the main path took a turn and it came into view. He had helped build it when AniWaya was simply a scouting party awaiting the rest of them, and since then it had grown at, partly, his own hands. It stood strong, and any traveler would likely be able to see it should they gain height to look for it. He was the only Master of the tribe, and even if he hadn't been, it would fall on him to make the decisions that the Masters do, as Chief. So he oversaw Liliana's work with the stables, and had kept a keen eye on the craftsmen, making sure there were enough weapons for the lot of them. He left the hunters to Nayati, even if Nayati wasn't a Master yet; Dawali had known of the Utina's destination in that path before he knew it himself, probably. The Scouts and Warriors tended themselves most of the time, and so his greatest occupation these days was to maintain that pillar of fire that completed their existence in this place, and it was no small task - one which he had never been formally trained to perform.

He walked the path in long, strong strides, carrying with a rope over his back quite an impressive load of firewood. He was used to it, however, proven by how his lanky form was pieced together of lean working muscles, clearly used on a daily basis. This was no ordinary firewood, but was collected from various trees of the same kind, some which grew close to the Village, and some who required a longer journey to find. They burned with a particular odor, and this was what he fed the fire almost exclusively. Looking to his feet as he marched forward to the fire, he very nearly walked onto Sanuye where she sat and (he assumed) looked at their spiritual beacon, so focused was he on the task of carrying his heavy load. Halting, he put the wood gently — as gently as he could, that is — on the ground, and straightened his form to look at her properly. "Hi, Sanuye. I didn't see you there." Though he wasn't always great with names, it wasn't difficult to remember hers; his own sister shared it with her.


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