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So sorry if Dawali gets weirded out. I couldn't help myself XD. WC: 321 {3 points}

Sanuye stared into the fire as if staring into her own soul. It burned with passion and wouldn’t go out no matter what. The coyote wished she could have as much confidence as the fire before her did. She then rose to her feet to approach the flame. She placed her hands over it and pushed the air down on it. She began to guide the fire around her and spin. She could feel the heat of the fire following her as she closed her eyes. She began to dance, occasionally using the Great Fire’s flames to contribute to it. She spun, using her feet to move in a circle as if dancing in the middle of a tornado or flames. She even was able to perform a few flips and jumps as she continued to dance. She could imagine herself moving with the flow of the fire itself. She got lost in her dance that she didn’t even realize someone was coming towards her.

The fire in her soul shot up into the air as she continued her dance. Because her eyes were closed and her moves were so focused, she hadn’t noticed Dawali coming right towards her. She continued until she was right in front of him. She leaned her head in towards his muzzle, but to her, it was to touch her muzzle to the fire. She stopped when she heard his voice and opened her eyes, only to see her muzzle right in front of his. Her nose just barely missed his. The coyote quickly backed away from her chief as her face got red. She brushed the dirt off her skirt. ”Oh…! S..sorry about that Dawali! I didn’t know you where there!” She stopped and closed her eyes, smiling. ”So… what brings you all the way out here?” Not exactly the right thing to say seeing as she didn’t know exactly where he lived.

table by james.

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