and another one goes to the dogs

Hello there! Thank you (:

Her nervous fidgeting didn't last long. As Korva saw him approaching, her pale lilac eyes shot down to the ground and her ears flattened. She didn't know his ranking, but his friendly yet powerful air made her feel belittled. She stayed on her side of the border, shying back a little, if anything. As he greeted the yearling, her suspicions were confirmed - he was the alpha, or Chief, as he said. She found it a bit odd that he had a horse, but she figured that it was probably normal to the pack... tribe, he called it? The Chief walked on two legs, and Korva wondered if perhaps she should shift to her humanoid form, but chose against it, knowing that being closer to the ground was the way to go. She looked at the browning grass, bloody beneath her sore paws, and felt a pang of distress. She looked at the Chief's horse as he spoke and gestured to the lands behind him.

She nearly whined with the stress that racked her body. “Hello, Chief,” she said, rolling her eyes inwardly at her weak greeting. “My name is Korva, and I wish to join your, uh, tribe.”Korva swallowed. Her nerves shone through her words, her lacking body shaking. The yearling wasn't sure if the trembling came from nerves or hunger. The light-brown she-wolf was pitiful in her current state. She stayed submissive to the older, more powerful wolf, and felt a cool breeze ruffle her fur.

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