Maybe I'm Open from all this Ocean Air


As Haven questioned the use of the word "our", Niro seemed to become a little embarrassed. The Knight immediately decided that embarrassment had to do with whom he was living with, which meant it was likely a woman that he had feelings for. He also assumed that it must be a fairly new condition that none of the pack likely knew of yet. Quickly all of these assumptions were confirmed, and a broad smile painted its way across his maw. "Congratulations! That's a big step, good for you." It was a nerve wracking thing, asking someone to be your mate, but when they said yes it was the best thing in the world. "Ah I see, well I'll make sure to keep it to myself until the news gets around." Well, he'd probably tell Princess, but that was because she was his mate and he didn't keep anything from her. If she knew the situation, he trusted her to keep their secret as well.

The embarrassment over his mateship to Amaranth quickly devolved into what appeared to Haven as shame while they talked further on the matter of the fight and what had sparked it. Niro confirmed that he hadn't attacked the other man or said anything defamatory about him. The Knight wasn't surprised at this, for Niro was a nice man and he couldn't imagine him doing either one of those things. Though, at the mention of it being a blow to the other man's family pride, he was curious. What exactly did Niro mean? The gray man looked off into the sea for a few moments before continuing. He didn't come right out and say what had occurred, but Haven wasn't naive, and easily connected the dots of the story.

It was all clear now, both of their actions. Haven could understand where each man was coming from. He had sisters that he was very protective over, but he too had faced the wrath of an angry brother for a night's shared pleasure. "I see," he said, running a hand through his snow white hair. "I can understand his protective instincts...but he still went too far. No blood should have been spilled." He placed a comforting hand on Niro's shoulder. "We all make mistakes. If it makes you feel any better, Princess and I hardly started out in a...uh, traditional manner. Her brother gave me a black eye, probably would have done more if she hadn't come upon us and stopped him." Maybe, hearing the Knight's own similar story would help to ease the huntsman's guilt.
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