Her mind was still working, twisting and turning as thoughts crashed and rebuilt inside her brain. She raised her look to meet Conor's as he lowered himself to her level and she listened wearily. Luckily, though, the words weren't even half as harmful as she expected them to be. It was more like he was apologizing for something she felt out of her own dumbness. She chuckled lightly and then got into a sitting position, smiling as widely as she could. "Right here!" She said through her teeth, her voice sounding muffled and amused. She was , once again, in high-spirits knowing that the male would not blame her for being reckless. Not yet, at the very least. She was glad and grateful once more for his presence.

And then she focused on her question. Conor mentioned 'humans'. Now, that was something she had not heard about. Not in stories, not anywhere. The buildings themselves were above colossal for the pup and fascinating, nonetheless. Still, she did not understand how those two-legged creatures managed to build something so grand. "Were they this enormous to build them all?" She asked naively. It sounded as if the message was really meant only for herself, like it was supposed to be simply a question blowing soundlessly through the endless course of thoughts in her skull. As much as she tried, as much as she used her imagination, she couldn't come up with anything plausible that could explain the ability of those beings to create buildings of that magnitude. Her ears pricked as he mentioned living in one of those and her paws prickled with excitement at the thought that she would enter one, as well. "So what are we waiting for? I wanna see how they're on the inside!" She almost squealed enthusiastically.

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