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Hey, just an idea, but maybe he can not rape her and maybe just hurt her for his pleasure ? But if you still want to do the rape thing that’s fine too..

The shock of it all had seemed to sober her up a bit. She stood their in shock as the other before her, now knowing he was a real being, stood and growled at her. She was quite scared now and growled back, but wasn’t sure what to do next. She backed up a few feet, but it really didn’t help because they were both still in close proximity of each other and she was still in danger.

The forest screamed out at her as she now realized what was going on and at good timing, too. The brute lunged for her and smashed his shoulder into her. She lost her balance for a split second and went down. She scrambled to get up and did but not far away enough because now she was even closer to the brute. Her lips curled back, and she made aim for the scruff on his neck and lunged with her jaws open and teeth barred.


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