Into the sea

WC: 385

Kesho Maisha

The elder coyote listened with interest to the few words that the she-dog spoke, allowing her tone to convey her intentions and emotinality-- or lack thereof. From the little that she spoke, Kesho gathered that she was perhaps somewhat more withdrawn than he. It was just as well, however; he could converse with nearly anyone at length, if the urge pressed him. The bronzed coyote wondered what exactly she was thinking; it was hard to read through her blunt nature. He smiled back at her, as she did to him, his intense, fiery eyes meeting hers briefly, not allowing his attention to linger for too long, lest the beast inside sneak past him and explode into reality. He pawed at the water momentarily, absently, letting his mind wander to hold his attention elsewhere, for just long enough. Glancing up again, he nodded, apologetically, realizing now that he hadn't, in fact, revealed his name to this miss.

"Ah, apologies; I'm Kesho. Grandson of someone whom I never knew." His mouth curled into a slightly sad, but humorous expression. "I was unaware of the reaches of Kaena's family. I assume you aren't the only one? I thought a few faces bore her resemblance."

Now he removed his body from the damp shore, choosing instead to march on the dry sand, idly examining seashells of various shapes and colors; he admired their natural complexity. Looking up at the female, he realized that she, too, was quite complex. He wondered her true heritage, for she appeared more mixed than some, yet the true coyote in her shone through with ease. Perhaps this was due to her seemingly calculating and cunning nature. The older canine wondered to himself if Gabriel was also spawn of Kaena, and doubted it little now that he had seen her other offspring. You'll never have grandchildren, Kesho; no one would dare lay a tender hand on you, for fear of me. He tried to shut out this forceful thought-- this other persona-- from beyond his conscience, denying every bit of its attempts to control him. The coyote demanded of himself the strength to keep these attempts at mutiny at bay, and instead turned his attention to the sea, rapturous and deafeningly loud at times, he studied it, maintaining some facet of his attention towards Halo.

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