and another one goes to the dogs

OOC here!

His words seemed to almost will her body to calm down, and Korva took a deep, shaky breath. She wished for a moment that she could look at his eyes without being disrespectful - they were probably very soft and kind. He had a sort of relaxing voice, and he was extremely friendly. The yearling thought that she would really like a wolf like this as her alpha - Chief. Little bubbles of hope began to rise in her chest, and her shaking subsided to a steady quiver of happiness. However, all those little bubbles exploded and her heart dropped right out of her chest as the next question escaped the lips of the tribe's Chief. Skills? Korva had none. If her parents hadn't been so concerned about her late brother, they would have forbidden her from leaving because she was so inadequate for taking care of herself.

Taking another nervous breath, the yearling remembered her recent past. Being so focused on getting here, she hadn't had time to mull on her intense and confusing emotions that had occurred not even a week ago. All she had been good for at home was sitting around and trying to pick herbs, hoping one would make her sickly brother better. Her parents had been supportive through most of it, although nervous, and yet that hadn't been enough when the other pup - her twin - took his last breath. It wasn't so much devastating as it was disappointing. The young wolf had wished she could known what she was doing in the effort. “Well,” she began cautiously, “I'm not very good at hunting or tracking or fighting or anything like that... I used to try to pick herbs and make them into something, my brother was really sick, but I wasn't very good at that either because he um...” she shuffled her feet, leaving the rest of the sentence to interpretation. There was no way this alpha would accept her now. To go all this way...

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