Maybe I'm Open from all this Ocean Air

3 Points

Niro was certainly reassured by the other mans’ smile, it was when he said alchohol he thought of something more, but that was trouble he didn’t expect to ever hear from again. He smiled knowing too well, though he had no memories of ever doing anything at all with her, he just had an inkling. Though he never expected Haven to be one to drink but then again Heath was another, though it seemed a regular thing with the adults. Niro nodded at his last comment about liliya.

Yes it was, I tried finding her for the first few days but her scent was not strong, she must not have wanted to be followed or something, but I did try to follow her… find her, get some answers, or give her peace… whatever it was that made her leave.

He said, though he was with Amaranth, and had not felt the way with Liliya as he did with his mate, he wondered… what could have happened, what things would be like if they stayed. He learned now that his want for Liliya was much different than Amaranth, it was like telling night from day and he figured now that everything had blown over… he had never truly loved Liliya… as bad as it sounded, he barely knew her… barely talked to her, he’d just laid eyes on her and that was it.

But now that is over with, and yes, I am afraid that I won’t be trying to come in contact with him soon… Though I thought of him as a friend, still do, he’s going to need time to cool off.

Niro said solemnly, he didn’t like that there was someone close by that wasn’t very happy with him, though he knew they were not enemies, it just made him nervous at the thought.

So you and princess, have been together since your non traditional meeting?

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