to speak a word for nature

Che remembered only one occasion where he'd felt he was actually a part of something and that was when he was just a child, living somewhere in the continent he'd come to learn was South America. A little boy with two sisters, a mother, and a father, Che's family had been very close-knit for the first nine months of his life--ironic, considering he had spent the rest of his life as much of a loner as one could be. Until recently, Che had never really thought about what might have caused him to lead the life he now did; he'd merely felt it was right and for a long time what felt right was right in his mind.

Two months ago, he'd fallen very, very ill. After hunting a deer alone (a silly move on his part, looking back) Che had nearly had it when it kicked him in the leg, causing a very deep gash. Such a wound might not have been a problem, but it soon became infected and Che found himself in a very grave situation. He could barely walk and had broken out in a terrible fever that allied itself with chills and fatigue. When it reached the point that Che was seriously questioning his ability to survive, he had happened upon a pack, a pack that had nursed him back to health without second thought. Che, though extremely grateful, had moved on after his recovery, but the memories of such love and respect in one place had stuck with him and he found that a seed had been planted and it grew and grew until he decided he simply had to be a part of something like that.

Che's thoughts had passed the time and soon he could sense the arrival of another wolf. Sure enough, a dark female was before him, wasting no time in questioning his intentions. Her voice was very different, unlike any he had heard and it rung beautifully through the cold air. Smiling, Che dipped his head in a mixture of greeting and respect and spoke up. "Hello," he said in a deep, rough voice that sharply contrasted her own soft, melodic one. "I am Che Alves. I wonder if your pack is accepting newcomers?" he inquired, not quite sure whether he was going about this the correct way, but not knowing any better.


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