Achieving Abilities

OOC here!

Liliana was watching the flames intently, so much so that when she heard her name by the exact voice she’d been wanting to hear she nearly jumped out of her fur! She turned to see Dawali, and couldn’t help but smile. Though her heart was racing from the fright that he’d given her.

Oh Dawali, hello, I was actually looking for you! Well I came for a rest first really.

She said, trying to calm her heart down so that she could speak properly, she was all smiles today though, even if she’d just been in a meditation. She held up her bag to show him the reason she was looking for him, but she felt embarrassed as he probably didn’t know what was in the bad.

I’d been collecting herbs and stuff from outside the garden and around the forest. I wanted to learn some of them, so I could treat the animals if they get sick or injured.

She said, making a hasty comment. She still got nervous around her chief, even though he was nice and was quick to make her feel at home. Hopefully he did have the time to share with her to show her these things, she knew it would be important especially in the cold winter.

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