It's not what you know, it's who you know
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"Ah, I see. I was 'round when this tribe was founded. I'm not sure...but I think me, my good friend Tayui, and Dawali are who's left from those days. I want to be a master of my sword someday, I think...just haven't had to do much protecting lately to prove myself" That was probably for the best. She didn't want to have bad things happening in AniWaya. Ember didn't even want to think about it and tempt fate; "jinx" the tribe, or anything.

He took the scythe and handed her some twine, and she nodded in agreement when he spoke of it. It would make carrying the hay much easier if she could get into bundles. She began to go around the side of the field to the parts she'd already done, starting the next step in the process of getting it to the barns. This strategy had worked before for getting the hay up there, and she'd do it again. It would certainly be a workout for her, though.

"Where'd ya come from before you moved here?" She called as she worked, lifting the bales up, grunting a bit from the weight. She'd packed a few of them too heavy. Ember made the others a bit lighter as Bayard came around to receive them.

[/html] Mel made this table

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