a time to chase

D'aww, Izaak is cute. :] WC: 516

Kesho Maisha

Reveling in the glory of his fresh kill, the rust-colored coyote continued to nibble on a bone from the animal, savoring the taste of the marrow as he gnawed. Several minutes passed as he idly chewed, looking quite like a happy dog with his own bone, before the older canine heard movement in the brush nearby. Glancing over lazily, he waited patiently to see what emerged. Eyebrows raised in interest, he peered at the small frame which presented itself. He recognized this boy-- he had always seen him in this optime form-- from the recent clan gathering... He was quite young, but a very interesting creature, nonetheless. As if answering Kesho's inward query, soon a snow white figure appeared behind the boy, its large head making it look silly, awkward, and out of place beside two predators which might normally hunt it. Kesho had to smirk at this odd crew. Rising into a rather relaxed sitting position, he listened the boy speak, but had to repeat the words in his head to be sure he'd heard right; he certainly couldn't decipher a word he was saying. Kesho recognized the language as German, however, having heard it on several occasions. He watched, bemused, as the coyote turned and showed off something strange: the presence of two tails danging behind him. Startled, the coyote stared at the boy with curiosity and interest.

"You speak German? Apologies, I don't know that language well...although, I can say "guten morgen"!" The coyote grinned broadly, offering this small bit of common language, knowing that the boy spoke some English, but remembering that it had been quite poor. "I like your tails." He said, nodding to the boy's behind. "I remember seeing you with this thing last time; what is it?" Kesho was glad to finally have a chance to inquire about the small beast always following the young dog.

Kesho was legitimately interested in this young boy, wondering how he had grown to be such an odd creature, and where his talents lie. Surely he had some, for he was higher-ranking than a fair amount of canines of the clan, holding a rank which proved he possessed, at least, some talent in battle. The coyote stood now, walking towards the boy, and then around him, stopping to investigate tentatively the white creature that he had in tow. He stayed some distance away, but inhaled the scent of the animal; it was recognizable-- surely a creature which, when larger, Kesho would hunt and enjoy hungrily with pleasure. Of course, the boy seemed to have some sort of attachment to the thing, so he would leave it be, for now. The elder coyote looked over at the boy, ember eyes shining with a strange emotion not often expressed in the male.

"Better be careful bringing him with you all the time; any other coyote-- and especially a wolf-- could easily mistake him for a meal..." He said, feeling some sort of comradeship with this boy, to whom he'd hardly spoken but enjoyed the presence of, if only for his unique form of comedic relief.

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