and another one goes to the dogs

Yay! Thank you Big GrinD

Korva's lilac eyes filled up with hope as the words flowed out of the Chief's mouth. Stay here and train with the other medicine women? Become a part of the tribe? Grinning cheerfully, the yearling wagged her tail. She hadn't felt so complete or happy in a very long time. In fact, she didn't know if she had ever felt the feeling of accomplishment that welled up in her chest now. “Oh, thank you!” she cried, her joy seeping out of her voice. “I would absolutely love to do that.” She quieted down a bit, realizing that such a sudden outburst could be taken as slightly disrespectful. A part of a pack - a tribe! What would her parents think?

Unsure of what to do now, she wiggled her rump excitedly. She felt like a small puppy, and the light-brown she-wolf felt a rush of admiration for Dawali, pleased that he had even considered her to become a part of their tribe. The gratitude was nearly overwhelming. The yearling stood and winced, whining a bit and glancing down at her bloodied paws. Korva felt a bit guilty about drawing the constant attention to them, but she knew that for now she wouldn't be student of the medicine women but rather the patient. She smiled weakly, wagging her tail.

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