Achieving Abilities
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She was happy that Dawali agreed to show her what he knew, it also made her beam when he said that she basically had the right idea about learning the herbs.

I just hope that I can do them better and this is one way. I want to at least be able to identify something and hopefully use it.

She said, Holding up the bag to him, not sure if he wanted them to move inside or if he wanted to look at what she had. She feared that most of the plants she’d gathered were weeds, she was still new at the whole identifying of plants useful or not. She stood as she held the bag to him, though it was probably more polite to just pull the plants out for him? She wasn’t sure, she’d just have to hope whatever happens she wouldn’t offend him.

Many of these are spring summer and autumn plants that I’ve found over the long months, I’m afraid they are dried, and I doubt they are useable right now, but the autumn ones are still quite fresh.

She said, feeling foolish that she didn’t try to preserve them but she didn’t know much about how to do such a thing.


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