to speak a word for nature

no worries, short and quick is perfectly fine :]

As a cold wind hurtled through the area, Che noted that it was cold, but not as cold as it would get. This realization made it seem all the more urgent that he get accepted into a pack. Braving winters in the past had been done, but not easily and he wondered how much longer he could get lucky living on his own. At her question, Che fell silent in thought. What could he offer? He was not a particularly gifted creature and had always found himself horribly ordinary. Still, though simply a learned trait, he decided the fact that he was a literate creature was probably worth mentioning. He was still working on becoming a better writer, but his reading was very advanced and he figured it wouldn't be long until he had the writing portion down.

"I can read and write," he blurted out, unsure of how to go about it in a more eloquent way. "I'm not sure how useful that may be to your pack, but I believe a well-learned being is always good to have around. Aside from that, I can promise you hard work and loyalty, I have no serious weaknesses, and therefore can contribute to anything you may need done that requires strength." Though Che searched his mind for something more promising, he found it nothing, but was hopeful that this would suffice. Smiling sheepishly, he waited.


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