Bring Tears to my Eyes

ish sad

Nervous, the only word or emotion that could describe the gray warrior at this time. Maybe it was due to him being around other pregnancies or having experience with friends becoming or not becoming parents but some part of him hoped everything went okay. The worst thing that could happen would be losing both his mate and their litter of pups . This new species these “werewolves” didn’t have the advent of human technology and sterile environments that helped to curtail the death rates associated with the great act of life. If he had known tonight would be the night he would have maybe tried to find someone to be her wet nurse, someone to help her, because for all his fine points of being a man, this was not a situation he was very good at.

For the moment Saluce had prepared what he could, various towels, pillows and other assorted comfort items. Warm water, cold drinking water, but that was all he could do for now. He couldn’t take the pain from her, couldn’t make the process quicker, only just offer support and fight to work out that he was helping in some small capacity as things progressed. This wasn’t his moment it was hers, so he could only observe, his moments would come later in their lives when he would teach and provide for them and then have to let them leave as well.

Then the moment came, his eyes sat and watched his form unable to help in this process even as she took care of most of it. He almost wanted to cry out in joy but there wasn’t anything right, he spied the wrongness of it from the moment they emerged. Saluce didn’t dare say anything, didn’t dare deny her the few short moments of happiness she had before she too would realize the problem. For a few short moments his gut churned, and he fought the urge to vomit. He wasn’t repulsed by Layla, it was the smell of death that hit his nose. And for being around death as much as he it shouldn’t have bothered him, but this time it was his own children, their children that had died. And for now he was speechless, couldn’t form words to comfort her as the slow realization began to spread across her beautiful face. No tears came from his face, just the sad somber look of sadness.

For a few short moments he didn’t move as he stood above her, unable to really formulate any action to do to or anything to speak. Her appeal to him was met with a soft shrug, he didn’t know the answers to her questions, he was worthless to her at the moment. He could have said it was normal for a women’s first litter to either be still birthed or miscarriage but he couldn’t say that to her. What was normal for their dead children, normal not this, this wasn’t normal at all. Slowly his form turned, as if to walk out, the step toward the door stopped as quickly as he started it. If he abandoned her now he wouldn’t be worth anything. For him the surge of blame came forth, was it his fault? His seed that produced dead children or her womb, such thoughts didn’t deserve any time but they came anyway. But that foot slowly turned back as his form shrank down to land on all fours. The massive wolf jumped up onto the bed and gave her a lick for a kiss across her muzzle before lying down, resting his head atop hers. He wouldn’t offer any words because there wasn’t anything to say about it. He could only offer his warmth and support as her emotions ran wild.

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