We have all found our place
She had found enough herbs in the forest to toss together a balm and try and heal up her foot some. It was swollen and blistered and quite painful, and Fatin had little hopes that it would heal fully. She expected some of her toes wouldn't last, but it was a better loss than her life. In the end, it might have hurt, but she was not gone and that was a something worth being grateful over. She had been resting, sleeping off and on in light doses until a scent approached her nose, drawing her like a moth to a flame. She shot up, painfully hobbling her way to the borders where she spotted the dark male, her grin spread from ear to ear.

"Think you aren't good enough to come knock on my door?" She quipped, grateful to just see him, let alone see him alive. "I was so worried about you Lucifer..." She murmured, her tone slightly more serious. "How is Deuce? And Dierdre? And everyone else..." Her voice trailled off, letting him speak, because lord knew she'd go on and on and never give him the chance to talk otherwise.


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