A Maze
Fatin grinned impishly, feeling a surge of the youthful vigor she was so known for blazing through her veins. "So fairy Queens we shall be...but I'm no Titania of Avalon....I think simply calling ourselves the Sidhe would be good...like...a common theme that carries all the way down the pack. Your Gwyllion..the mountain Fairies? They'd be like our supports...so maybe what the old Gradituers were. Tristan would make a perfect Aos sí, and Sedition could be the Aes Sídhe." Already there were members of Labyrinth Glen that fit perfectly into the ranks. Like so many other things involving the pack, it all had just fallen into place and she was grateful for that fact. " There are other names too, like Tuatha Dé are just another race of fairies, but they're more like the commonwealth fairies...maybe the subordinates?" She turned the ranks over in her head, flipping some spots and changing some things out. "As for the puppies....maybe the Ellyllons?" Looking to her fellow Sidhe for guidance, the redhead waited patiently for input.

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