I'm permanently blue
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a329/ ... _horse.gif); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">


They had lived together for a little while, and things had been going well. Some things, anyway. But the things that weren't going well weren't any of Moonfyre's fault...they were in Ember. She had problems with her feelings and emotions, and they often got the better of her. She tried to keep the demons at bay as often as she could. Whenever she was with him she felt a warm feeling inside...and things felt better overall.

She hid her face in his fur again when he asked if she had anyone in mind. What should she say? She didn't know how he would react..she didn't want to mess anything up or say anything wrong. It was just better to play it safe. "I...don't know. It would be a while from now, ya know? Someone who's there for me...and who cares about me. Do you want a family someday?"


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