No Hands

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Kesho Maisha

Kesho's features melted into a mixture of emotions; sadness, comradery, and anger all being included. Sad, because he too had experienced a similar past, and felt suddenly transported back to those moments. Being chased out, long, long ago, abandoning his first love, one whom he'll never again admit. A female, canis l. lupus-- well before he swore a blood oath against them in spite and furious anger. He had been driven out of this pack of wolves, shunned for his species. Sure, they weren't the wolves that live in these parts; no, they were quite the band of ferocious beasts, very unlike their brethren in Nova Scotia. It didn't matter to Kesho, though-- they were all the same. He had grown more bitter over the years, too-- less compassionate. There had been a time the rust-colored canine might have shown some sort of emotion towards his lupus cousins. No more, though.

Ears twitching and rotating to catch each drawling word from his new friend, Kesho listened intently. His words were pleasant to hear-- his voice, refreshing and new. He hadn't heard an accent like his, in years, or perhaps ever. Apparently Amos had a son residing within Inferni; Kesho would be keen to meet this young male. Although he'd yet to bear children himself, it would be nice to meet one of his kin's offspring. It had been a hope, once. When he had been with Zarah, he had thought that one day, they'd have some pups of their own. Of course, that never happened. Never would happen. And he was all the more angry for it. This guy, though, had been through a tough bit of life, himself. It was quite the feat that he had traveled as far as he did, as well.

"Sorry to hear about your mate, Amos." As he wasn't truly entirely excited to be recalling his story of leaving Inferni, the older coyote felt the words as they leaked out of his mouth. "I had one...well, almost. She was killed by some wolves..." He trailed off, even after so long finding it hard to form the words. "That's why I left." He sighed, for once letting pure emotion cover his face briefly, quickly opting to save face and remain stoic once more. "Eight years later, though, and I'm back." Kesho gave a vaguely grim smile. "Can't let the past haunt you forever, I suppose."

Even as he said it, he felt as his own past crept up on him, and allowed for unwelcome thoughts to enter.You're a bitch, Kesho. You couldn't even save Zarah. Hah. What a pathetic little piece of shit...! He fought hard against these thoughts, against the intruder in his mind, begging, clawing, and tearing against his will in attempt to overthrow him. It was hard, this time. Kesho took a moment, looking away, forcing himself to remain in reality. He did not want to appear to yet another as just another fool. Get the fuck out of my head. I don't need your help. Forcing his mind shut, the coyote once again turned towards Amos, feeling somewhat awkward, wondering if the graying coyote had noticed his momentary lapse; hoping that he hadn't.

"That's quite the long way to travel, friend."

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