If I wanted silence; I'd whisper.
375. Puppies are CUTE.

The call was muffled, but audible, and Nayru at first did not recognize the caller’s voice. Yet it did not take long at all to discern who was crying out for help. Although there were many children in Dahlia de Mai, it seemed that this pack more than any other was a haven for wayward wanders of all ages, Nayru was close with only those that Gideon had brought in. Range and Melee. She had spent the last few weeks tending to them with Gideon needed a break, hunting for them, and just getting to know them on an individual level. She knew their voices, yet had never heard either of them howl, and so the fairy girl nearly scolded herself as she moved towards the sound of distress, her pace quickening with every step.

Upon arriving she was met with a comical sight. Although, she supposed, it would not appear that way from Range’s perspective. His backend was to her as his face disappeared into some animal’s burrow, and she could see the walls of the den crumbling about him. Nayru took the time to soak in the moment, knowing that as the children grew times like this would become less and less, and in a strange way it was endearing to see the child’s struggle. Shaking her head she moved near to him, her voice reassuring the boy of her presence as to not spook him when she begun to dig him out with her hands. "Range, it’s Nayru."

Always in Optime form now she pulled the dirt around the boy’s head loose with one hand and scooped him up with the other. That he was small enough and she was large enough to do this was strange, for Nayru hadn’t quite begun to think of herself as truly an adult. Yes, she was at her adult size, but compared to the others in the pack she was still stunted. Shorter and slimmer than the rest, it wouldn’t be long before Range too out grew her. Only a matter of months. Setting him straight on the ground, she dusted off his shoulders gently, crimson eyes searching his cream-colored face for any signs of real suffering. "Range you silly creature, what were you doing?"


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