the pleasures of rediscovery -- Archive Please!

So I think we can wrap this up pretty soon; unless you wanna keep going. :] WC: 387

Kesho Maisha

Kesho barely felt it as his opponent's jaws clamped against his shoulder; they were quick, hard bites, and he sustained several. It was almost like an ant bite or a bee sting to him in this mode. Annoying, slightly painful, but greatly enraging. Somewhere inside, Kesho was fighting to regain control. It wasn't working, though, and his body was ridden with wrath. He was vicious, now. The dog snapped at him again, grazing his hindquarters but not causing quite as much damage. Kesho kicked back at him, large, strong legs aiming straight for the wolf's jaw. He launched himself forward quickly, running several paces ahead and then turning once again to face the dog head on. His eyes blazed red with fiery fury. This wolf was not heated with the fire of battle; it seemed as though he quite disliked it, and the bronze coyote could tell.

"You're a coward and a fool! Just like all the others..." he motioned now to the skulls off in the distance, placed around their border as a clear warning to trespassers. "If you value life, you better leave...or fight like you mean it." He snarled, sharp canines still stained in the wolf's blood.

Somewhere in him, the true character of the coyote was allowing this dog a chance to survive, to escape. If he remained here, he would certainly find death in short time. Now, the urge to shift was overwhelming, and he swiftly gave in. He wanted more of that deliciously metallic crimson liquid; longed to rip into flesh. His body morphed now, muscles stretching, bones cracking as he shifted; it was a pain he loved to endure. Kesho was much taller now; slightly over six feet, he hovered high above this lonely canine. Nearly three times his weight in lupus form, he felt exciting new strength. Two feet were harder to move quickly on, but he had become formidable at fighting in this form-- if only when truly enraged; only when he took over. Kesho lunged now, rushing forward on well-muscled legs, in an all out attempt to get this dog out of his sight, or keep him from ever entering it again. Sharpened claws slashing at every piece of the dog that he could reach, the coyote snarled, a menacing sound which was aimed to inject fear.

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