Friendship Offering

OOC: just to let you know Orin had been staying in AniWaya for a bit before she came to CdM that's why he think's that's the pack she went to Smile

The day was filled with training for him. He’d been working hard to get Tobias’ trust back, and it was at the point where it was almost just where he had been before he’d gotten injured. Niro had tossed the crutch feeling that’s exactly what it was and he needed to use his leg more often. He wasn’t about to run marathons or anything, but he was sick of having to lean on it and the sores under his arms were feeling like they were festering him. He was able to walk, with a limp still, but that was good enough for him.

He was standing close to the borders, it seemed he’d been there more often now that he knew a few things… first that his sister now lived in a new pack… and he’d hoped she would come visit and he’d be right there if she ever did… and the second were his children. The three daughters that lived in Dahlia, which he wanted to visit but was scared, scared of the rejection they might not like their father anymore, though there were days where he would get his courage up to go halfway there, but in the end he turned back. He was not use to such thoughts, emotions, or being scared that three little girls would hate him.

That wasn’t what was on his mind right now though, it was getting the birds into shape, catching new ones and continuing his falconer’s job, and soon hunting again. The two he had were doing well, though they still hated each other and battled for his attention, Marahute was the largest of the two and she tended to win the fights now, even though she was still a good year or two younger than the redtail that he’d caught. He couldn’t help but have Marahute be his favorite only because he had raised her from an egg. He was watching as Marahute flew, circling, an area, which meant she found something, He was about to move to that area when he heard a howl, a peaceful and friendly one. He perked his ears up, gave a sharp whistle for Marahute to fly back, and headed for the stranger.

There at the border was a white wolf standing right next to a horse, boy Heath would like that horse. Niro thought… well he thought his good friend would like all the horses. Niro wasn’t much of a horseman himself, he’d been trying to practice but it was hard. He moved forward in a greeting manner.

Good day sir, my name is Niro Takekuro, I heard your howl. I hope everything is well?

He said greeting the wolf. The wolf had the evident smell of a pack, so he didn’t greet him as he would a potential joiner, in fact he smelled the same smell Orin had smelled like when she came back to get her stuff. Was this wolf from the same pack as Orin was in now? Did he have news of her… or something bad happen to her? His heart started pounding at that and it scared him to think that she’d gotten into trouble and he was not there to protect her. He scolded himself, Don’t get so hasty in thinking it is about her, it might be nothing to do with her. He thought to himself, waiting for the explanation of why the wolf was there.

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