You calm the storms

He was glad to have the matter decided; they were on the same page with it, and didn't need to talk about it any more. When her tail began to wag his did too, and he rose quickly. He picked up a drowsy Range carefully by his scruff, where it wouldn't injure him, making a motion toward the hallway. He liked to sleep on the first floor so that he could watch the comings and goings of the house.

His room was as rustic and simple as Gideon himself, a queen-sized bed occupying most of the space. The walls were bare, a few minor possessions sitting on a dresser in the other corner. There were a few bones on the floor that he had brought in for the pups to chew on while their teeth came in, and he kicked them under the bed before leaping up onto it. The comforter on the bed had a pattern of mallard ducks on it and was rather faded, but the stuffing was still inside of it and it didn't have any major holes in it.

He set Range down carefully in the middle of the bed and the pup continued to sleep, his eyes never having opened. Maybe he would have a dream that he was floating or flying, with Gideon carrying him. He smiled a bit at that thought and yawned a little, waiting for Nayru to come in with Melee.


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