Asleep in the City [P]

Sure, can do that. Mew agrees to stay and then hears of Colibri. She'll join them anyway though, so do what you please or what fits in better Smile

Random, that they both came from Clouded Tears originally. The other was clearly younger than herself, so the female assumed she too had been born there, and had stayed there - for as long as that lasted. Knowing that, it was somewhat.. comforting. It made this meeting less strange, or maybe just gave Mew a feeling of familiarity in the sense of the two sharing something. It was odd. Emerald eyes focused on blue ones as she listened to what the other had to say.

So they weren't claimed, huh? - made sense, if none other had lived here and the whole of the community that had fled was all mixed up after the fire. Packs split and spread, new alliances and acquaintances would rise out of that as came naturally. The female looked around for a bit, green eyes narrowing in thought. This place was, really, quite a good place to live, and even though she preferred purely natural surroundings, there were plenty of den opportunities here. Surely all the old buildings weren't on the verge of collapsing, and she'd picked up a few tricks to maintain and secure places like it anyway. There was vegetation, and plenty of shelter. Lacked the glory and beauty of Clouded Tears though, which was probably why she hadn't settled down anywhere on her travels either. Looking for a place like Clouded Tears was useless; no place was like it. But she needed a home, and fast. Anywhere would do, really. If she played her cards right she might be allowed to stay here with this Cer and her friend.

"Yeah I assume the fire has caused much confusion... I was returning to Clouded Tears, but naturally I can't live there. This place looks promising though, plenty of opportunities to settle down at least."

White face turned into a smile as she finished the last sentence, hopefully making the hint to the other blatant. Other areas she had searched was, in reality, places she had liked better than these, since old human territories gave her the creeps. But she hadn't bumped into anyone when doing so, making this the first genuine shot at at least getting to know someone, and perhaps be included so she could stay. She grew tired more quickly these days, and the discovery of her birthlands being destroyed didn't make it any easier. Nope, she needed somewhere to stay, and she had work to do.


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