another lonely day with no one here but me

ooc: Okay! :3

Skye knew something was wrong when the horse began to whinny and make lots of sound, not touching the apple. She backed away, knowing that those hooves could be fatal to a wolf if they crashed down on her. And sure enough, a black wolf came out of the cabin that was nestled in the woods.

He had several scars littering his black body, and golden eyes that gleamed in the dim light the trees let filter through. He looked at the horse, then at Skye, and Skye could tell he wasn't very happy.

The wolf then shouted out a loud 'hey!' and began to advance towards her. Skye instinctively backed away, her hands up as to tell him she wasn't trying to hurt him or his horse. "I - I - Sorry!" she squeaked, suddenly afraid. "I didn't mean - your horse - just looked a little hungry," she finished in a whisper, motioning to the uneaten apple on the ground. Why did she always have to be so stupid! If this was this guy's horse, she shouldn't have done anything! Now surely he was angry with her for trespassing on his territory unannounced. She remembered how Shaw reacted to those sorts of things and cringed.

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