you think you're in control
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's ok. Tongue

------Anselm's jaw remained tightly clamped as the female spotted him and came over. She stooped down to his level, and he watched her carefully for any sign of threat. She was dangerously close to Inferni's newly claimed soil, and her question provided him a perfect window to explain this. "Yeah, I do. If you go another hundred meters in that direction, you'll be stepping onto freshly claimed land," he grunted in explanation, gesturing in the direction of Inferni with his nose. "It's not exactly something I'd recommend," he added, leaving the partial threat, partial warning to hang awkwardly in the air.
------Even Anselm had a shred of rationality in him. For now, nobody would be punished too greatly for overstepping the newly laid boundaries, much less getting "too close." A verbal warning would suffice, but let it be known that only a fool would choose to disregard the red-eyed wolf. They couldn't be expected to telepathically receive the information from the cosmos that the relatively unmarked boundaries were now claimed, but they would be expected to take the news to heart, and tell all their friends. He wasn't evil, after all--he was just fiercely antisocial. This was likely painfully apparent for the dark female, who was met, for the time being, with nothing but silence.


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