Skin-tight Alibi
wtf, Prongs. Way to not add a thread to your post log D: <3 if it goes like..even a week over next time, definitely PM me <3 <3 <3

She sniffed around a bit as she sat down, trying to figure out whether he was here or not. Everything smelled so odd that she really couldn't be sure. A slight whine came from the female's throat, a frown crossing her features. She really wanted to find him and update him on things. It wasn't too long before she spotted movement, though, and she stood up as her heart raced.

"Uhhh...Hey, you!" She called out when she did catch sight of him, raising a hand in greeting. She had a backpack on and had brought a few gifts for Gryffindor...hopefully he would accept them and bring them back to the rest of the pack for her. "It's Addison...Addison D'Angelo. I was hoping you'd still be living here! I just came back! From living with Mom for a while"


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