Bumpy Rocks

+3 OOC: Smile

Niro barely noticed the start of the fox’s greeting, he only snapped out of his daydream when he heard the rest of what he was saying, Niro looked over at the fox and smiled. He had found himself much more confident in speaking to other animals lately, it was as though the social barrier he’d had when he first came was gone entirely.

yes birds are beautiful creatures.

Niro said, then made a sharp quick whistle and he turned his attention back to the fox, he’d never been near one so this was new to him, he was curious and interested in what the fox was like, so he liked birds? Well that was surely a plus on Niro’s own account. The falconer wished to have more friends to talk about birds with. Marahute came first, as she wasn’t hoarding a fish to herself, though Tobias did come he landed further away to eat his catch. Marahute instinctively landed on Niro’s shoulder, though he was in his optime form the bird was still too big for it, or getting there. Niro pulled his arm out wincing as her claws moved so she had more room, but when she settled in she was better about them.

My name is Niro, and this is Marahute, and over there…

He pointed to Tobias who was nearly finished with his meal.

That’s Tobias. They are my companions.

Niro said proudly, though the redtail was more wild than anything he was very proud of his golden eagle who was basically his child. She stared at the fox, not with suspicion as she normally did but with interest, maybe she knew this fox wasn’t like her wolf partner, whatever the case Niro did feel relieved. He waited for the fox’s response, not sure what it would be though he did say he liked birds, now he could get a good close up view of two of them.

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