Breathe In For Luck // Joining
Ali encountered the strangely familiar scent that she could not put a name to. She tried to find out why the scent tugged at her memories, but she was no sure. Whoever the scent belonged to, that person was a definite part of the distant past. There were many who she had not seen a very long time, including her family and the Saers, who were her kin through mateship to her sister. It had been a long time since her dalliance with Hendrix, which had been months ago, and she was sure she would remember such a scent.

Not very bothered, she decided to continue farther into the marked territory. Ali knew that the person associated with the scent was esteemed colleague. She did not have any enemies that she knew of. Alethia was a peaceable sort. Even if she was making a mistake, maybe she could talk her way out of it. Curiosity hadn't killed her yet. Injured her, certainly, but it had never gotten the better of her in terms of the consequences.

When Alethia laid eyes on her sister, her reaction was opposite. She smiled bemusedly and approached her small sister who had always been shorter and more slender than herself. "Last time I checked, that was my name, Gennie," she whispered seductively and reached out to touch her. Her sister had gained scars on her face that made her almost unrecognizable. It had been two years since she had seen her, and the last time she had Geneva had been young and whole. But the injuries were obviously old and healed over. "What are you doing here anyway? You never were a drifter. Is Jordan here?" Ali had many questions for her sister. Things had changed, but how? This was not the happy ever after in New York she envisioned for Geneva.

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