another lonely day with no one here but me

ooc: xD i dont! just dont mind my scaredy-cat whiny skye! and lol unicorn

“Yeah, and y’ain’t tryin’ to steal it neither, ah?”

"No, no, I really wasn't!" Skye squeaked yet again, angry at herself for making such a dangerous move in front of what seemed to be a violent and now angry wolf's house. She had now backed into a tower, and with frantic looks on either side, she realized the place was surrounded by trees - and, due to her obliviousness before, she hadn't realized that it was a deep forest with which she was still unfamiliar. She wasn't sure why she'd strayed so far from Hufflepuff, but now she wished she hadn't. Or, at least, she wished she explored the territories without interfering with other things.

"I was j-just exploring the territory - cause I don't know it all that well - well, I just came here from the mountains - but anyway, I was just exploring - I come from Hufflepuff - new pack - d-don't know if you've ever heard of it?" Skye babbled, trying to ease the anger of this wolf. "It's not too far from Slytherin, if you heard of - well, anyway, I was just exploring, to get better at knowing the t-territory, you know, and I just saw your unicorn and she looked hungry...and I just had some apples! I really wasn't trying to st-steal him! I'll leave if you want!" she gushed, aware that she had talked probably far too much for her own good and had changed the gender of the man's unicorn several times.

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