[J] Lost But Not Found [J]
Yeah! Lol :] 'S ouls shows up as "Hogwarts", ^^

She listened to what the other said with open ears, now intrigued. Addison didn't need to know the entire story and wouldn't ask it, but she wondered what the female's family had been like. Her own mother had been rather neglectful, and that was why Addison had returned here with her younger sister Grace. She had hoped that Jefferson would welcome her back, and he had.

"Very true" She agreed, nodding. "Ravenclaw is definitely a welcoming place. If you ever get tired of wandering and feel like settling down, you can come back and ask for me. Have the advantage of knowing someone here, haha" She smiled in earnest. Addison was actually starting to warm up a bit, beginning to see a few of the similarities between herself and Tala. "Jefferson, the leader here, is my father. He's a bit rough around the edges...but he's got a good heart."


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