dismantle me down [p]

I’m so sorry for the wait. Sad

summer was fast approaching, he knew that. Soon Ezra would be building a more proper dungeon for him and his love, soon they would move in together, soon everything would change as quickly as the seasons. It was exciting and frightening at the same time. The boy didn’t know what to expect. These days when he didn’t have to do anything were the greatest luxuries in the world. If only life was this care free. Sharing it with another was another luxury too. They had nowhere to be, no one to please… they only had the wind and the trees as company.

The stranger spoke again, and introduced himself. Ezra was hit with a bit of confusion. “Excuse me for the ignorance… I’ve never met anyone from Muggles. Sounds interesting,” the boy mused. “I also have no idea where Edinburgh is. I’ve only traveled up and down the coast…. I’m from way up north in the arctic. I come from a line of sled dogs up in Newfoundland. Hence the eyes,” he said happily. Despite the fact that this one was a werewolf (and wore clothes, how peculiar) , it didn’t bother him. Maybe he was getting more used to the idea that werewolves weren’t that bad. Ever sure told him that.

“The Court is on the coast, not too far from here. I quite like it here. I’m a traveler by blood, but I’ve been surprisingly happy settling down. Met quite a few interesting werewolves in my travels. I quite like your coat, by the way.”” the wolfdog smiled. He didn’t really have any friends here yet, but that didn’t bother him too much. Solitude was all he wanted. Theo seemed to be incredibly different, but interesting. The other intelligent werewolf he met, that D’Angelo fellow, seemed more introspective and not interested in conversation. The boy yawned happily, and stretched out on the sun-soaked ground. Perfect day.

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