Warrior's Glory

table © Alaine
ooc: No problem. WC: 324 {3 points}

Sepirah enjoyed toying with her food. She could see the hare struggling to get free, but she was not going to let it go. She walked around and forced the hare to walk with her and flung it around. The dark princess was having so much fun that she forgot this was going to soon be her meal. She was having too much fun actually playing with it. She tossed it in the air and caught it in her mouth a couple times before laughing and biting down on it. She could see the warm blood flowing out of the animal’s back. Her eyes narrowed in her amusement and fun before running around and continuing to toss it. She jumped up and caught it a couple more times before putting an end to its life. This was a good representation of the jackal’s fighting style. She wanted to torture her victims before bringing an end to their life. She smiled as she laid the now dead hare on the ground and began to have her meal.

Sepirah was disrupted by the grunt of the male coming towards her. She moved her head away from her kill and looked to the male who he addressed himself as Hybrid. She moved her head and nodded. ”Pleasure to meet you Hybrid. I’m Sepirah Lykoi.” She then turned back to her kill and picked it up before moving over to him. She placed the hare at his feet and looked into his blood filled gaze. ”Perhaps you’d like to share this meal with me Hybrid?” It was after a while that the jackal realized this was one of the warriors Gabriel spoke of. Her ears raised and the tip of her tail began to wag as she waited for the male to respond. This was perfect. She had run into one of the warriors and now she was a step closer to training with her uncle.

Speak think walk


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