Baby, it's like voodoo.

"Oh.. 'ey there, lass! What brings ya-- what find?"

Skye cocked her head a few inches, a quizzical expression on her face. Bangle was acting weird...The way he said that and shifted so that it seemed like he was hiding something was enough to bamboozle. But she didn't think much of it, since Bangle was...well...a strange individual. He was nice, and he was cute, but he was also strange. But that was a good thing to have in a pack - if everyone was the same, it'd be very boring. She'd seen him around lately, and was happy that he was getting used to the pack. She grinned. "The pool. I hadn't noticed it before." She then cocked her head the other way - he seemed like he was...hiding something?

"So what are you doing here?" she asked, her tail swishing slowly. She didn't mean for it to sound like she was interrogating him; sometimes she even forgot that she was a co-leader of a pack. No, Bangle was her esteemed colleague, and she wanted to treat him like one. To her, being a leader just meant having to keep a closer eye on things and organize and protect her pack when needed. It was a good job to have, but also a responsibility; one that others might not want to have.

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