Battle of the Weeds

ooc: : D thanks!

Skye was busy looking proudly at her little garden, and thus was surprised when a girl she knew as Orin popped out and almost squashed one of her berry bushes. Skye almost let out a strangled little screech but restrained herself, knowing it'd be rude if she did. She didn't know Orin very well - only that Shawchert had met her after they'd had the meeting to create Hufflepuff, and that she was one of the founding members. She stood in the middle of the garden where no plants were crushed under her feet, and Skye was relieved.

Orin appeared white with pink dreadlocks, not unlike Bangle's brown ones. She had a book in one hand and a pencil in the other, which Skye found interesting as well as endearing.

“Hello, mon Capitan! What are you doing?”

Skye smiled and waved back. "Hello!" she exclaimed, kneeling down to right one of her plant's leaves, which was drooping. "I'm gardening!"

“Are you a healer, too?” the white girl asked, and Skye shook her head. "No," she said. "The plants I'm growing here are all edible! See here," she said, making a gesture towards the spike that was labeled 'Red Berry Bush'. "This will grow into a bush that will produce very delicious berries. And here," she said, pointing to the spike next to Orin that was labeled 'Peach Trees'. "Are some older saplings I found out in the forest. They'll grow peaches soon - they're a couple years old, I think."

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