touch my world with your fingertips

"I won't eat it all!" he whined, squinting his eyes at both his brother and mother, but perked his ears and brightened instantaneously when his mother's attention returned. It was fairly often that Maluki forgot of an outside world that lay beyond Clouded Tears borders; there was simply so much to see and do within the packlands that, often enough, he simply forgot he could do much else. However, the boy was an adventuring scamp; though young, he had been scolded numerous times for pushing his adventures far from the dungeon and past the territory lines. Though Clouded Tears, for the time being, occupied his time generally well enough, his curiosities of the outside world were beginning to broaden. Where he got his sense of adventure, he didn't know.

All Maluki knew was that someday he wanted to see it all—and nothing was going to hold him back from that. Nothing.

"Bad people?" he mumbled, then swallowed what was in his bulging cheeks. "Is Akeni bad for snoring so loud?" He snickered a little, then clamped down on the meat once more—something tugged within his mouth, and inevitably he chomped down to halt it. His brother, on the other end of the long strip of meat, pulled relentlessly and dragged his chubbier older brother straight into the rabbit itself. Maluki growled and, stepping in the meat without second thought, dug in his claws and pulled with his neck just as forcefully, regaining ground behind him. Inevitably, that strip would snap.


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