take a journey

ooc;; Its fine Shawy dear!!

Thin body had begun to put on weight and his early morning runs had worked wonders in toning the new fat into something more productive than just fat. Muscles now laced his chest and shoulders, creating a mantle for his head to rest on. The coming of summer had proved to thicken his coat, making him look bigger already was. All in all it seemed that the scrawny young male who had arrived in Dahlia a month before was gone. He was bigger than he had ever been in his life and his newly acquired hunting skills were proving to turn his body into something that resembled health instead of a weakness that hindered most of his life. He was more confident in his life now, and since he knew that he was doing something productive to improve his future he was driven to become something better than he was now. His thoughts were revolving around these thoughts, the thickening of his coat and the bulkiness of his muscles, and he didnt hear the approaching hoofbeats.

When they finally broke through his consciousness Saul jerked upright with a soft 'woof'. It was uncommon for an adolescent for his age to woof at all any more, but the young male couldnt help the protective reflex from escaping his jaws. Green eyes were wide as he gazed at the Luperci and the creature she rode. What on earth was that? Confusion and curiosity clouded his eyes for a moment as they neared him before coming to a stop a few metres off. They hadnt crossed the borders yet and for that Saul was grateful. The female seemed to be friendly, but there was no excuse for trespassing uninvited and Saul was nothing if not loyal to his pack. He stood, placing himself between Dahlia and the female just across the borders, just to be sure. She spoke and her voice was friendly to his ears, another reason for the male to allow a tentative smile to grace his lips.

"Good day, miss. My name is Saul, and you are nearing the borders of Slytherin..."

He figured he would throw caution to the wind and make sure that she knew where she was before they got anywhere else in their inevitable conversation. There was nothing but open friendliness from the boy as the took a few steps forward, tail flicking softly behind him. He was interested in the creature this female was riding. He stared openly at the creature, trying to figure out what he was facing. He couldnt wrap his head around it, so instead he asked.

"I dont mean to sound igorant, but what are you riding?"

He asked, an embarrassed smile taking over his face. If he were human, two small dimples would have appeared on his face. But as it was, his handsome features simply became just a little more humble and he waited for his answer with half mast ears and a wagging tail. He might as well make a good impression.

word count;; 504


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