And the World kept Turning

I promise you I'm not usually this slow at replies >.<

The husky looking wolfdog hadn't a clue she was being watched, she wasn't ever the best at 'survival' skills, but she wasn't the worst at it either. She was quick when the time truly called for her, but hostility was not a quality she held in her. Adonia was very kind, and sweet though she did have an edge on her at times an edge that was rarely ever seen by anyone. Right now, though, she was being herself, she hadn't the slightest idea there was another observing her as she let her muzzle crack a sweet smile while she scrutinized they various gothic attire. She wanted them, but again she put them down placing them just as they were when she found them, her eyes going to the punk styled stuffed characters. Laughter came from her seeing the odd looking faces on them. "Humans are so intriguing.." she said aloud to herself as she let out another giggle covering her muzzle a little trying to muffle her amusement.

She was so at peace right now, so confident with her curiosity as she explored the shop more. Earrings caught her eye now. Wiping off a mirror she looked into it, seeing herself and at first it amazed her. She'd seen her reflection in the water, but it wasn't as clear as this. Her eyes looked to the earrings then back to the mirror. Her eyes were mainly focused on the gauged ones. Surely she couldn't start out with those, not unless she put a big hole in her ears, and the pain wasn't something she wanted to go through. Not many people knew her fear of pain. Most of her decisions were made by the thought of pain. She couldn't inflict it on others, and she would avoid it at all costs. Killing another creature even bothered her, but she always said her apologies to the creature. It was her way, and she kept it secret. No one was aware of just how gentle she was towards things that most would not care about, or even give a second thought to. It wasn't any surprise to her, no one around her knew her well. Most only knew what she looked like and her name, and perhaps her rank and job, that was it. They didn't know her for her, and she was getting used to it.

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