and the fire grows brighter

Liliana was taking a stroll around the area, it was nice out considering how close it was to the frigid cold they would be having soon enough, and her fur was made for this, it was thick and long, making it a good way to keep her own body warm throughout the winter. Graces was walking beside Lili, as usual acting the bodyguard of the wolf-cat. She didn’t go far from the village though, entering the forest or the swamp was not enticing to her at the moment, she wanted to be in the grass, to see the sky, though it was cloudy, she still liked looking at the farness of it all. That was when she heard something, something she’d not heard in so long… was that purring? She looked around stopping in her tracks, it had to be close…

Here kitty kitty

She said in a soft low voice tittering for the cat to show itself, she’d never met any that could speak more than low speech so she was unaware she might have actually been making a fool of herself at this very moment. She rubbed her fingers, here eyes scanning for anything. She hadn’t seen a cat… well since the last tavern they’d come to, so it excited her that she was about to see one, or hoped she would.

Here kitty kitty kitty

She repeated herself, hoping she’d actually at least get to see it. Maybe it was a stray and she could keep it, she didn’t know how much Nayati liked cats but she was certain that she liked them, having one or two around in the stables would keep pests away for sure! That thought excited Liliana to no end, as she knew they had a mouse infestation, and having a cat around would surely mean a plump kitty and the horses and cows could have the stables all to themselves.

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