he believed in forgiveness
Geneva could tell that Jefferson was troubled. When wasn't he? Geneva personally possessed an inexhaustible amount of curiosity, but it seemed that her mate's mind was always working, the gears turning and grinding out something new for him to worry about. He existed under a constant weight of regret, guilt, secrets - things she could not name or even begin to list off. But things had seemed a little easier for him lately. She did not think that he had achieved true peace of mind and doubted that he would for some time, but things had more or less been positive.

Her falling and the repercussions of it were not things that she cared to dwell on. However, the fact that she had tumbled down stories and that the impact had shattered more than just her body was something that she could not deny or ignore. Perhaps Geneva should have left well enough alone, so they could have set together watching the ripples on the lake, but there would be time for that later, hopefully. It had been long enough, and although she felt as though she was picking at scabs, talking about this would draw some of the poison from her heart. These were things they needed to be honest about and doubts that they needed to address before they grew into shadows falling over their entire relationship.

She sat silently for a few minutes, her own lime colored gaze touching the water. She watched the ripples form his fishing pole and contemplated the depths of the lake before she spoke. "Losing Shae and Jordan was one of the hardest things I had to deal with. I never knew what life was like without Jordan; he was all I knew. He knew my parents before I was born, and I grew up with him by my side, my protecting shadow. And I loved him. But Jefferson," she said without lifting her eyes from the water. "I chose you. Because of that, I would never choose to lose you in any way possible. I love you."

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