Dotting the lines

Amaranth Catori

ooc - ooc text here

Amaranth was curled up under the mound of blankets that she always slept in for the fact she was always cold and had nightmares. The girl ached so bad today she wanted to help the pack and be strong so with Niro gone she could pull all the stopps and go at it. Maybe not the brightest idea she had had for her uncle was a man who cared little of feelings but his own and he hit her so hard yesterday she heard ribs break. Though that was not her reason for still laying in bed. She hadn't slept well either. She had to go see her father at some point and talk to him. She hated having nightmares. The fire hadn't been lit since Niro left because she accedenlty that day got to close and singed her fur freaking her out more. Sitting up in pain her eye glazed with water she had woken up crying something she hated letting Niro see. Maybe she should have stayed single longer. "Hello love." she said low


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