Dotting the lines
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Niro frowned a bit, unsure if she was telling the truth. He gave her a kiss on the forehead before moving over to light the fire. Within seconds it had been lit and was alive, sending light through the whole cave. He turned to her as she asked about his girls.

They’ve gotten bigger. And thriving quite well. I hope to visit them again soon, but for now I have you to dote on.

He grinned slyly, then moved to the door and pulled her present in and went to the bed where she sat, and showed her the staff he’d been working on before he left to visit his girls.

I know you have been training hard, and I thought I’d make something just for you. To protect yourself with.

He said softly. Hoping she liked it. He’d made it just for her, it was just a little taller than she was. There were no designs on it though he wished he could make some, he wasn’t quite the artsy his sister was, but he still had craftsmanship when it came to it.


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