The Fields Have Turned Brown

Ehno had become somewhat of an uncharacteristic homebody of late, seldom venturing out farther than the reaches of the Dreamer borders. So it came as a bit of a surprise when he heard a howl summon him to the outskirts when the sun was beginning it's descent. His ears perked in curiosity and confusion, wondering who exactly it could be. There was a familiarity in the voice, and after some internal digging he realized it to be Haven.

It seemed like ages since Ehno had last seen the Aatte boy--and it was as a boy that his memories still pictured him. There hadn't been much contact between the two of them since he'd left Crimson Dreams many moons ago, and the Marino could hardly venture to guess what made him seek him out now. Judging from the nature of his call, it was something most likely very private, and thus very serious. The thought gave the Italian man pause, and he stared out across the horizon in the direction of the call. He didn't know what this was about, but it was doubtful that it was anything good.

The Marino snapped himself from his thoughts and made his way to the border at a quick pace. He slowed as he reached the outskirts, amber eyes searching the darkening horizon for any sign of him. At last he spotted him, standing beside what Ehno assumed was his horse. Haven had certainly grown up from the adolescent boy he remembered. Ehno halted a short distance away, greeting him with a brief nod. Despite how interconnected their lives had been, he felt like he was looking at a stranger. "Haven," he said, almost a question. What did he want?

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