Returning home -joining-
Geneva Stockholm trekked across the terrain in the chilly weather. Despite the cold, she was not uncomfortable. Her coat had finally grown in thick enough to keep her comfortable in the chillier climes. She was grateful. This would mark the first cold season during which her coat grew in thickly and evenly enough to face the chill of snow and frost since she arrived in Nova Scotia two years prior. The Whilom did not usually scout along the borders of the Valley pack's holdings, but she did so today.

The grey wolfess's eyes settled upon a shape in the near distance. She moved forward to get a closer look. The glossy color of the woman's coat seemed familiar. She had only ever once seen someone with a pelt of such a hue. Geneva's half ruined face twisted into a look of pleasant surprise as she inquired in a quiet voice. "Rendall?" Geneva had not seen the wolfess since she was little more than a child. Now, before her, there was a woman grown.

Much had changed in the Valley pack since her departure. Pack members had come and gone; however, some things remained constant. As Geneva was able to peer more carefully at the wolfess, she could tell that it was indeed Rendall. "Welcome home," she said mildly, pleased to see the girl return.

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