Turn your face to the light
It was not often that the small-boned Whilom ventured out into the night, especially in the cold, but she was conscious of the effect that the chilled wind had on her mate, the Patriarch. As such, she sometimes slipped out like a smoke colored ghost. Her pelt melted into the wintry hues, a light gray that complemented the monochrome hues of the dark sky and the frost bitten ground.

A melancholy howl split the air, seeming gentle despite the gasping desperation in its tone. Geneva did not hesitate to run in that direction, her body streamlined, her bones light, predatory grace emerging in the swiftness of her motions and the lengthening of her gait. Her blood turned to ice in her veins as she imagined what it would mean if her son, Pripyat, had sent out a similiar, desolate call.

Before long, Geneva spotted a huddled form at the borderlands. However had sent out that call, he was being conscious of the border lines of the Valley pack. Concerned and curious, the Whilom approached, her gentle voice a whisper carried upon the wind, ghostly and ethereal. "What has befallen you that led you here, stranger?" her words were gentle, but also demanded answer. Lime green eyes studied his form, the light pearlescent scrollwork of scars gleaming upon one side of her face.

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