but are you here to stay? LEADER NEEDED

The call sounded, but Faolin had found herself fast asleep, curled up around her two precious babies. It took a moment to realize just who it was, but it was familiar none-the-less and it called to her. It took her only moment to realize who it was and a smile spread over her features as her eyes bolted opened and she was awake. Rising to her feet she stepped over the two sleeping children, the only thing heard was the click of her nails on the stone floor. Once she stood at the entrance of the den she bounded down the side swiftly, tail wagging back and forth at a steady pace. Toxic had been sleeping in their den too, she had offered to let him stay with, but she had not noticed if he was there or not this morning. Too busy and frazzled to find her mother who was waiting at the borders for her.

"Mom?" she called out questioningly tilting her head slightly as she pushed the branches out of the way to expose her petite crimson coloured body. There was Asphyxia, old as ever a smile spread across her lips and her tail wagged behind her. "I'm so happy you came back again!" she exclaimed about to run forth but noticed something oddly different from her mother. The other two pups were not with her and neither was Naloxone, this was like last time. They showed up a bit later, maybe this was the same thing. Her tail paused in it's wag and she looked around questioningly for her smaller siblings.


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